
debt ratio

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debt ratio为短语/超纲词汇
1. But the ratio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes.

2. We divided it in the ratio of 3:1.

3. When Easton was unemployed they had to stint themselves so as to avoid getting further into debt than was absolutely necessary.

4. The fact that many developing countries must trim money from public education as part of their debt-reduction plans creates further pressure on families, she said.

5. Now we´ll have this bloody debt dragging on us for years, and before the damn stuff is paid for it´ll be worn out."

6. His extravagance explains why he is always in debt.
    他挥霍无度, 难怪总欠债.

7. Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.

8. I must pay him a debt of ¥5.

9. For many years she has been puzzled as to why so many of the children in her study should be boys — at the top level, there are more boys than girls by a ratio of thirteen to one.
    多年来,她对为何她的研究中有那么多的男孩感到困惑 -- 高级组中男孩女孩之比为13比1。
